Vintage 2009


Finally the 2009 vintage has started, in contrast with the previous ones, with good water reserves even in depth thanks to the beneficial rains and snow in autumn and winter. All in all the rains continued well-timed throughout the vegetative start until veraison. Temperatures were also within the norm, except for some excesses associated to the drought in the second third of August.

Pathogens were within the norm, with a presence below average of grape berry moths with particular reference in the medium-high hilly areas.

Within this framework, ripening trends were on average in balance, with the following specific features:

– The black grape harvest initially started a little earlier, gradually back to normal towards the end of the harvest, ending with progressive delays especially in environments where the drought was associated with long hot periods. In this framework, the excellent results achieved by late vines are noteworthy, especially Sangiovese in some cases harvested at the end of October. The generosity of the skins supported very long maceration.

– For white grapes the trend of temperatures in the centre – north, warmer and with less temperature fluctuations than in 2008, allowed to obtain good products but with “less character” and acidity than the previous vintage.

– The varieties suitable for late harvest struggled to find the right conditions for onset and interaction with the noble rot thus making good results rare. With regards to the quantitative environment, on the whole one may express a positive opinion, recording as perhaps the only real exception that of the Oltrepò Pavese area for Bonarda-Croatina which recorded a mean vintage.

From the point of view of quality the 2009 vintage just like 2008 will be recorded as a vintage of good – excellent products. In 2009 however, there was a lower frequency of peak quality because the warmer seasonal trends “flattened” the territorial typicality of many products. One may therefore say that 2009 rewarded “real” territorial callings together with the correct entrepreneurial planting and management choices (right vines in the right settings and exposures). One should once again remark how the quality contribution of high density represents an instrument to deal with the various seasons.

Last but not least, 2009 will also be recorded for the economic difficulties that affected our sector as well. For our part we hope that the great human efforts together with the love for work shared by those who live in the world of vines and wine will make it possible to overcome this difficult periodo.

Remigio e Francesco Bordini