Surname: Bordini
Name: Francesco
Place and date of birth Faenza, 26 July 1977
Tax ID Code: BRDFNC77L26D458C.
VAT 02098060391
Academic qualifications
Agricultural Technician Diploma
Degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies
PhD : Specialisation in agricultural engineering, mechanisation of wine-growing and oenological plant
engineering: post-graduate qualifications
Attending student
Expert on the subject
Membership of professional body
Register of Agronomy and Forestry Graduates
District of Ravenna, registration number RA 339
Professional activities
Winemaker and farmer
Consultant in viticulture and oenology
1991-1996: Enrolled in State Technical Agricultural School “G. Scarabelli” of Imola, obtaining the Technical-Agricultural Leaving Certificate with the score 60/60.
1996-2001: Enrolled in the Department of Agricultural Science and Technologies at the University of Bologna, and graduated in Agricultural Science and Technologies with the score 110/110 cum laude
18/01/2002 Passed the State Examination with the score 211/240 and granted eligibility to exercising the free profession.
2003-2005: Enrolled in the XVIII PhD program at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering of Bologna developing issues related to wine-growing mechanisation and wine-making plant engineering. Obtained the following academic titles: attending student, subject expert Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering wine-growing mechanisation and wine-making plant engineering.
Academic awards
While studying at the Agricultural Technical School:
– in 1994 the award-scholarship “Cav. Dott. Dino Benigni”, as most deserving student in agronomy study during the III year;
– in 1995 the award-scholarship “Cav. Dott. Serafino Ferruzzi”, as most deserving student in technical-professional subjects of the IV year;
– in 1996 the recognition as best graduate of the school in the year.
In 2001 award launched by the “SPINNER” Consortium of the Emilia Romagna Region for the degree thesis concerning innovative issues and research and development activities carried out by graduating students in cooperation with private enterprises.
During the post-graduate specialisation and PhD numerous Italian and international trade publications and filing of three patents as per list on the website of the University of Bologna (su www.agrsci.unibo.it )
Each one of us is the child of his own roots
I grew up in a patriarchal family, for over 100 years bound to its settled origin, of farmers and livestock breeders, I am the fourth son. My deep respect for family, nature, the land and the ever-changing seasons stems from my origins and from the ideals of my education. I have been married to Agnese since 2005 and I have two wonderful children: Caterina and Pietro.
The study path: studying is a great privilege
I had the fortune to study and deepening what I most like, first learning the essentials of agriculture, then agricultural economics and business administration, and finally reaching the decision of specialising in viticulture and oenology. The free profession: achieving the dream of telling the story of the region I have inherited from my father, who is also an agronomist, the deep respect for the vine plant. Perhaps among all cultivated species it is the one that is most able to speak of man’s ambitions and the various growing regions, and to overcome time when its fruits turn into wine. While learning my profession I had the privilege of working with and learning from great professionals such as Remigio Bordini, viticulture specialist, and the oenologists Lorenzo Landi, Luca Dattoma and Luciano Rappo.
This crucible of ideas and styles was the basis of my professional grounding, allowing me to integrate my studies with concreteness and character. Over the years I have fine-tuned my work method, which aims at being the “invisible hand” guiding the choices of farm and cellar, to highlight the winegrower’s ambitions and the potential of the land. I strongly believe that wine ought to be an expression of the people, the grapes and the regions. Visione
Villa Papiano: the family’s farm and the first incubator
In 2001 with my brothers and some friends I purchased a winemaking farm in Modigliana (Forlì). Villa Papiano was and still is my first window on the world of wine: an instrument for cultural growth, a choice of style and language. At Villa Papiano we grow grapes at 500 metres of altitude and we make vertical wines that speak of high and stern lands, of a family and artisan project.
La mia terra: uno zoom sull’Emilia Romagna ed i progetti
Ho iniziato la libera professione nel 2002 studiando la mia terra, la Romagna, e il Sangiovese, suo vitigno principe. La Romagna è una terra per troppo tempo sottovalutata, ma al contrario generosa, ricca di “perle”, di grandi cru e sapienti artigiani. viticoli
My land: a zoom on Emilia Romagna and the project
Along my professional path I had the fortune of meeting great wine makers and regions that had not yet been fully studied, on which I focused my attention, specialising in thoroughly and painstakingly reading the plots of land and their varietals. Over the years I have shared my experience with many wine makers, artisans and groups with whom my professional path continues in Emilia Romagna and in other vinemaking
Francesco Bordini
VILLA LIVERZANO, Brisighella – Ravenna, www.liverzano.it
LA COLLINA, Brisighella – Ravenna,
FONDO SAN GIUSEPPE, Brisighella – Ravenna, www.fondosangiuseppe.it
CA’ PIROTA, Faenza – Ravenna, www.capirota.com
VILLA PAPIANO, Modigliana – Forlì, www.villapapiano.it
TORRE SAN MARTINO, Modigliana – Forlì, www.sanmartinoinmonte.com
LA CASETTA DEI FRATI, Modigliana – Forlì www.casettadeifrati.com
FONDO I SABBIONI, Castiglione – Forlì www.dinozoli.it
NOELIA RICCI, Predappio – Forlì, www.pandolfa.it
GALASSI MARIA, Berinoro – Forlì, www.galassimaria.it
LA GROTTA, Saiano – Cesena, www.lagrottavini.it
VILLA VENTI, Longiano – Cesena, www.villaventi.it
PODERE VECCIANO, Coriano – Rimini, www.poderevecciano.it
TENUTA CARBOGNANO, San Clemente – Rimini, www.tenutacarbognano.com
TENUTA SAIANO, Torriana – Rimini, www.tenutasaiano.it
LE ROCCHE MALATESTIANE, Coriano – Rimini www.lerocchemalatestiane.it
FOSSO DEI RONCHI, Pesaro, www.fossodeironchi.it
TENUTA TERRAVIVA, Tortoreto – Teramo, www.tenutaterraviva.it
MOZAIK, Urla – Izmir Turchia